QuizCV Wins the Quality Awards for Productive Learning Management
A good learning management system is an investment, not just because of what you’d pay to get it, but also because of the time and training inserted to turn it into your team’s best friend. This is why businesses rely on experts’ opinion
to make a smart decision, and why the goal of each developing system is to get expert recommendation.
For QuizCV, this is a goal already achieved! Thanks to our hard work and devotion to meeting clients’ needs, our system was reviewed and recommended by FinancesOnline’s team of experienced B2B professionals. The leading software review
platform is known by its never-ending quest for beneficial and prosperous solutions, and the in-depth Smart Scoring methodology it uses to reward the best among them. This time, it was QuizCV that won its most popular productivity awards: The 2017
Rising Star Award and the Great User Experience Award for best
LMS systems. Both awards usually belong to systems looking to combine ease of use with innovative and advanced functions.
To make matters even better, QuizCV was discussed on the platform’s list of most popular learning management software products, where experts distinguished it for its almost unlimited test modification capacity. They also recommended our
system because of the wide range of pre-employment assessment tests and questionnaires, and possibility to create and distribute content in a variety of languages. What they also liked about QuizCV is reliability, which, as they point out, makes
our system ideal for developing businesses.